Ok. “The Love Post”.. Part 1.
So, in order for me to want to do this.. and do it well.. I gotta write about things that are important to me. And the general Love Prediction Post isn’t always that interesting to me. The fantasy-spun webs of glamor. They're fun to read, and kind of entertaining.. but to be honest, I prefer to read an outlook based on an integrative understanding of all the energies going on.
So, that’s exactly what I tried to offer in this post. A predictive look at the love and relationship opportunities that are coming your way this year, BUT integrated with a main theme in your sign's entire energetic course.
Isn’t it all always tied together anyway?
This is my Christmas gift to all of you for 2015. I hope you find some helpful insights about what’s coming up for you.
Part 2 on its way..
** And.. AND: Please, don’t take everything I say here too seriously. This is generalized. Although I do a lot of generalized astrological writing, it's not often fair to the individual. I really far prefer to look at energies for individual charts. Please consult me for a transit chart reading if you are curious about your upcoming year for your specific chart.
Theme For 2015 That Will Effect Your Relational Reality
Resonating Tarot Card: The Tower
Resonating Tarot Card: The Tower
This is a time for busting out of norms. Uranus is still cruising through your sign.. and it wants change, revolution, and progression. This can bring in crazy amounts of surprises, newness, and sudden shifts in your love life. Which is exciting. But while Uranus is in Aries, (depending on its relationship to your personal planets), you likely won’t find the longterm soulmate connection you might be craving. Conversely, if you’ve been single most of your life and have never had the experience of a long-term love, Uranus in Aries could, in fact, suddenly change that course.
Why is that? Well, the energies at work in your sign right now are about creating sudden shifts that cause you to be ripped away from your ideas of structure. Your structures, including relationship expectations, are being entirely reworked at this time. So while that’s happening.. you obviously can’t be building a long-term relationship on something outdated. What’s GREAT, however, is that you are currently in the process of opening up and integrating new energies into your life that will be a part of your future relationships. You are doing the work to become a more authentic you.
This will be a time that you may not be able to explain the kind of changes you are experiencing. Part of you will feel like trying entirely new ways of living your life. Random shit will happen. Offers, travel, interactions, and personal choices that take you in an entirely new direction. You’re going to wonder why you never did certain things, and want to give it a go. You’re craving vast amounts of freedom.. and if you’re already in a relationship, it will have to be very strong to survive this transit.
Holding the reigns on a straight course will be tough. And emotional, if you're the controlling sort. However, if you’re a more free-wheeling ram who digs the unexpected.. this particular time in your life may feel fantastic.
What You Need This Year
Somebody who’s outside of what you’ve gone for in the past. The same ol‘ same ol‘ just won’t do it for you anymore. If he’s a fresh concept, he’ll likely be interesting to you. You need somebody who really touches on your inner progressive... or somebody who shows up suddenly, grabs you, thrusts you into his jeep and takes you on an adventure for a month. While everybody back home is wondering where you’ve gone. That kind of a thing. In fact, an Aquarius or Gemini relationship is well-recommended for the Aries, this year. Beyond that, you may want to consider tossing your relationship ideals altogether and really exploring reality afresh.
Hot Months for You
- End of February/March. Venus and Mars conjunct in your sign. Trining Jupiter in Leo. HOT.
- Early July. Tense.. but sexy time. Like a “Passion-Through-Conflict” kind of flavor. Nothing you mind, right?
Overall Advice
There‘s nothing wrong with having a love life during these enormous transitions in your life. But what’s important to keep in mind is that you cannot enforce your past ideas of commitment on it. They simply will not work anymore. And this may trouble you, because some part of you really does want to have a consistent lover. But part of your challenge is to reconcile the need for constant change, and your need for consistency. But consistency simply won’t win right now: everything needs room to breathe, change, and move. So if somebody comes into your life whom you have an amazing connection with, don’t close your fist around him. Let it come and go as it wishes. That’s how you let Uranus have its way. And it will get its way.
Theme For 2015 That Will Effect Your Relational Reality
Good thing about this year? A certain amount of restless, expansive energy that keeps you wanting more. The bad thing about this year? Loosing your “enough” gage. Jupiter is in Leo, squaring your sun sign in Taurus. This is a year where it will be easy to over-inflate. Like.. you make a promise to your partner, or he/she makes a promise to you, and the expectations surrounding it get out of hand. Or you meet somebody, and your restlessness sparks heightened expectations in your imagination, causing you put too much into something that’s actually unstable. Or you make a series of impulse buys, travel plans, or ill-timed ‘romantic gestures’ to feed your need to expand your relationship quickly. Whatever it is, it’s a balloon that’s being filled with helium. If you’re not careful.. the balloon will fly away. Out of control.
What you’re learning through this year’s cycle is how to integrate this expansive energy you’re feeling with the rest of your practical reality. When you meet somebody who you are romantically interested in, you may feel a sudden urge to let your imagination run away with it. Your excitement, mixed with restlessness over the pace, will take over. That’s because anything that shows up in your life this year that offers something new in answer to your inner restlessness will turn your excitement dials up to 10. You need to realize that your emotional response to this new person is likely overkill. So, dialing it down a bit won’t hurt.
You’re basically in danger of placing too-high of expectations on yourself or your partner this year. So if you don’t want to feel frustrated by your dashed hopes, realize that the intensity and particular tensions you feel to expand are based on transient criteria. Really. What you are ultimately looking for beyond this transit will come to you through putting less pressure on it than you are prone to do within this year.
Side-note: Pluto is still trining your sign from Capricorn. It’s a great time in your life to explore the structures surrounding your sexual expression.. and glean from your deepened psychological insight about it.
What You Need This Year
Excitement. Well.. “Excitement: Taurus style.’” You more or less want a plan, and you want things to be comfortable and dependable.. But you also are feeling an itch for expansion, change, and growth. You need somebody both stimulating and dependable. Which is something that Taurus is usually looking for. But don't use your over-zealous urges as justification for being arrogant towards your partner because he doesn't share your views on risky investments. Or don't latch onto a new person and decide that they are "the one" too quickly. And move in with them. Or pay their rent. Or promising them a trip to Bali.
I'd say watch for the air or fire sign types. Who will possibly encourage the above behavior, rather than anchoring the over-expansive tendencies.
I'd say watch for the air or fire sign types. Who will possibly encourage the above behavior, rather than anchoring the over-expansive tendencies.
Hot Months for You
July - Sex......
October - Jupiter is in Virgo, trining your sign. And it’s accompanied by Venus and Mars. Great time to feel easy, flowing romance.
Overall Advice
Since you’re a fixed sign, you can get a case of the “I’m Rights” pretty frequently. Be open to learning the balance. You need to back it off a bit and integrate with others’ (hint: your partner’s) paces of energy about things. Also sloowwww it down a bit when you meet somebody this year. Making immediate promises, even to yourself, about this person aren’t likely to come to fruition in the way you imagine. You also really need to be careful with money this year, and that definitely bleeds into relationship. Your urges to spend, let alone what you want to spend money on, are more likely to be based on the impulsive/expansive energy I've been talking about.
Theme For 2015 That Will Effect Your Relational Reality
So, it’s a tough one for Gemini overall. Not even just regarding relationships.
Although the entire year will not be bleak for Gemini, unfortunately, you still have got to pay some dues. Gemini is entering a difficult period of Saturn opposition, and is still treading the confusing waters of an ongoing Neptune square. Your structures, work ethic, reality, and focus are all being challenged at the same time. Although this doesn’t have to be horrible in physical reality, it still can be experienced on a subtle emotional level that creates inner discord or depression. Mostly because you feel like you’ve lost your way a bit, and you are extra critical of yourself about it.
In your relationships, this could reflect into the breakup of a long-term partnership. Or a period of undergoing harsh circumstances that force you to change your entire relational reality. Or, your natural optimism and whimsy being challenged by an inner critical environment. With the Neptune square added to this, it might be easy for you to loose yourself into some kind of illusion about the situation. Or to attract a situation where either you or your partner is perpetuating a lie; and the ill-laid foundation comes crashing down in an inconvenient way.
I know. It all sounds depressing. But really, this is an incredibly useful time for Gemini if they can utilize the energies honestly within their relationships. Gemini has to be honest with themselves about their need for deep inner self-development, and do their work. In the universal energies of 2015, life will bring you the kind of partners that will cause friction for you to find what is true and real. Which is actually very necessary, even if it happens through uncomfortable circumstances. What’s difficult for Gemini is that you like to move around in a flirty, light-hearted, and whimsical way from partner to partner. And you squeeze out of a tight grip or a heavy situation before it gets uncomfortable. But this year, the flavor will change. You will have to tread some deeper waters in order to grow. If you choose to, you can proactively take the reigns on your situation and learn what you need to learn about fairness, reality, and focus. Which will help you can set an incredibly strong foundation for your future relationships.
Gemini doesn’t like to be slowed down, but slowing down a bit right now will really help you.
Gemini doesn’t like to be slowed down, but slowing down a bit right now will really help you.
What You Need This Year
What would be beneficial to you right now is a partner who is “hands off, but helpful”. You need your freedom, and aren’t huge on clingy relationships that are laden with heavy expectations. But you also need somebody who sees deeply, and is able to give your mutable mind some insight, wisdom, and support. Especially when Neptune square is having its way with your imagination and reality perceptions. But here’s the thing: You. Absolutely. Have. To. Be. Honest. Right now. Really. Because that’s the most successful way to move through these particular energies. And the best way to relate to your partner. (Isn’t it always?)
Hot Months for You
April - Definitely a new love opp. (Or some follow-up action from somebody you met in January..)
July - Should be lovelier love month, by far, than June was.
Overall Advice
Don’t avoid your work. In any regard. And especially in your relationships. There are times where even you have to sit still and learn from something. And the relationships coming into your life during this year will definitely offer lessons. And if you’re already in it with somebody? Maybe try hanging in through the heavy stuff. The stuff that would typically drive you to getting your flirt on and trying somebody else on. Saturn in opposition to your sign is interested in showing you what you’re capable of when you hang in there through adversity and stick with it. You definitely have more follow-through strength than you know. Avoid the water signs, but I’d say any of the others are fair game. Even an unconventional choice for you: earth.
Theme For 2015 That Will Effect Your Relational Reality
Resonating Tarot Card: Death
Resonating Tarot Card: Death
Pluto’s been in your opposite sign (Capricorn) for quite a few years now, and depending on the particular degree of your Sun (or other personal planets in Cancer), you’ve gone through some bullshit. Or at least, an incredible amount of intensity. (Or maybe an STD or a horrible kidney infection?).
So, your relationships have definitely had their fair share of transition - probably based on extreme upheaval. And Pluto, being the slowest moving planet, is still in Capricorn this year. Still opposing your sign. Still creating upheaval. On top of that, Uranus in Aries is squaring your sign and throwing you some uncomfortable “Suddenly!”s. Like, suddenly your boyfriend is leaving for Australia for his job. Or suddenly, your girlfriend is caught cheating on you with your best friend. Or suddenly, your partner springs the idea of an open relationship on you in spite of your monogamous leanings.
It’s also, however, a time for discovering your inner depths. For tasting sexual extremes of pleasure. For extremes of emotional experience. For allowing passions to go to their extreme highs as well as their extreme lows, and really experiencing the full richness of life. This is a time in your life when you’ll look back and feel that you lived lifetimes within a lifetime.. and you won’t regret any of it. Even the sudden changes that have taken you through immense pain.
So, naturally, your relationships will reflect this extremity of energetic tone. Staying open-handed and open-hearted in the face of rebirth is important for your emotional survival. You are in the process of letting go of things that don’t have their foundation in the Deep and Meaningful. Pluto is ensuring that. Your relationships are going to stab at some of the deepest core parts of you. Mostly to reveal to you what lies in your subconscious. And then strip it away, even forcefully, if it doesn’t resonate with where your rebirth is leading you.
What You Need This Year
Patience. Insight. And gentleness. With yourself, and with your partner. I expect that you have either recently been through or are heading into a wound that you will need to spend time healing from. To punish yourself or your partner beyond what’s healthy in a grieving process will NOT help the situation. If you are looking for somebody new this year, you need to reconcile your feelings of threatened power, of anger, or even of volatility in order to make something lasting of it.
Hot Months for You
February - Gentle, empathetic, spiritual kind of love is in the air. Venus and Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune.
End Of October/November - Spicy good times. Sexual energies aplenty.
Overall Advice
Your greatest fear is only your greatest fear as long as you’re afraid of it. What often renders a fear powerless is actually walking through it, and realizing it didn’t have the kind of gravity you’d given it. This is a time where your love life can be deeply enriched through letting go of your fears.. and some of those fears will have to be experienced before you can let go of them. Don’t worry about what that might entail, though. You are going through the kind of life transition that offers you incredible depth, insight, and power. To be able to offer that kind of richness in a partnership is priceless. A scorpio may be a good partner for you, right now.
Theme For 2015 That Will Effect Your Relational Reality
Resonating Tarot Card: Sun
Resonating Tarot Card: Sun
Alright, Leo. Your turn with Jupiter in your sign. Lucky you. Actually, it started around the Summer of 2014, so you’ve been feeling the luck, expansion, and growth for some time. But around December 8th of ’14, Jupiter went retrograde back through Leo after almost reaching Virgo, and will not go direct until April 8th of 2015. So, you will get another round of Jupiterian luck-thrust through the upcoming year.
Jupiter’s smile is likely going to reflect through your relationships. A time of ease, or of naturally wanting to grow and expand with your partner without putting any tensions in the way. Or, if you have been craving a new relationship for a while and are looking for one, the person you’ve been looking for could definitely show up this year. But also - With the Jupiter trine to Saturn and Uranus in - you may also be funneling more of this Jupiter energy into transitions of structure than a lover. These energies are great for unexpected opportunities coming along to change your world for the better. Maybe even your career along with it. It depends on what’s important to you and where your focuses lie.
I’m pretty confident that 2015 holds some powerfully positive blessings for Leo. And I do believe that these have the opportunity to ease tensions in relationships, or bring the kind of relationship that makes you feel absolutely adored in the way you crave. We all go through times in life where we are either learning through pain, or learning through pleasure. Both are equally valuable and rich times of existence. But it’s Leo’s turn to learn through some pleasure. And I believe Jupiter and its related energies will bring just that. Just be careful not to get carried away on the pride wagon and ride roughshod over those going through the converse side of life.
What You Need This Year
Just enjoy it! Really. Even if you’re not quite at the point of getting what you want, and waiting to tip over the edge of the waterfall.. trust it. The hunger you’re feeling is the sign of the Universe making room in your heart to fill with something. If you’re looking for a relationship, bravely open your heart to exactly what you desire. The expansion and increase is offered to you. Or soon will be. Also, with so much Jupiter.. you need more than mediocre sex, love, and adventure. It needs to be firey, expansive, and spontaneous. Another fire sign is a good choice for a lover.
Hot Months For You
March - GET IT. Any of it. All of it. This is a month where all aspects of your life should be going pretty smoothly.
July - If you’ve been waiting, for some reason, all year to get your love life off the ground.. this is likely the month it’ll happen. Jupiter AND Venus conjunct in your sign. Just keep in mind it’s trining Uranus in Aries.. so it could be something very unexpected.
Overall Advice
Onward, Jupiter.. To glory!
... That’s about all I got for you.
Theme For 2015 That Will Effect Your Relational Reality
Resonating Tarot Card: Moon
Resonating Tarot Card: Moon
Neptune is slowly... very slowly.. moving through Pisces: in opposition to your sign. Depending on the degree of your Sun sign (and other personal planets in Virgo), this can be a pretty confusing time for you. Neptune is kind of the opposite of everything you stand for - which is clarity, discernment, and definition. Neptune wants to create fantasies, illusions, and glamorized ideals. While getting lost in a fantasy might feel like a welcome escape from critical reality, it also weakens your energies. You thrive in more of a defined course of action.
In relationships, this obviously has a part to play. You might be trying on a new hat in your relationships, based on an uncharacteristic belief you’ve recently adopted. Or, you’re avoiding a long overdue breakup because you’re willingly upholding a blind fantasy about your partner. Or, you’re losing yourself into some imbalance in life based on a skewed reality. It’s hard to define this as a “good” or a “bad” thing.. because there will be a large amount of undefinable subjectivity about it. Whatever it is, you are going to have to strive hard to find honesty and clarity in your situation. If you do, it will be worth it.
Lucky for you.. Pluto is also in Capricorn. Which is offering a ‘penetrate-to-the-core’ trine to your sign. So, what’s great about this is that your current confusion is tempered by deep psychological insight. The confusion, even in relationships, is fuel for you to get to the bottom of things. And you’ll be motivated to do so. And, the combination of the Neptune opposition with the Pluto square may make for a time of you taking greater than average risks; AND achieving your goal. With power. Even though those risks may be especially based on some kind of glamorized reality.
Also, it is a pretty good year for your sex life. Like, deep, intense, all-or-nothing flavored sex.
What You Need This Year
Clarity. But it will be hard to come by. Especially with the prevalence of confusing, strange, and disturbing situations that inflame your loss of grounded reality. I would especially warn you against beginning a new relationship with somebody outside of the council of a trusted, close group of friends. (And don’t form misconceptions about them if they advise you against it). You need all the other perspectives you can get right now in order to “find your ground”. I would not begin a relationship with a water sign if I were you. Stick to earth signs this year.
Hot Months For You
End of April - This is a bit of “coming out of the water” for you. Positive, forward moving force.
November - Silver Lining time of the year. Jupiter, Venus, and Mars are in your sign! New love, or rekindling of old love?
Overall Advice
I’m sure you’re frustrated. Some of this probably feels a bit like a psychedelic experience you were forced into against your will. (I’m actually a Pisces, with Neptune *Conjunct* my sun right now. Double-deluge-reality-loss. So I feel ya.) But there really is a few ways to look at this. As humans we often learn through contrast, so it could be that attracting several situations that end up being based on falsehood/fantasies could help you find reality on a new level. It could also be that the Neptunian influence gives you the ability to explore relationships on a new and more intuitive level. Don’t fight Neptune, but rather work with a more intuitive body of knowledge (not your preferred practical knowledge) to find the truth.
For a more personalized reading, please contact me
For a more personalized reading, please contact me
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